Mount Dempo are one of the volcano is still active in Pagaralam Town, South Sumatra. This mountain has two peaks, namely peak and the peak of Merapi Dempo. Where Peak Dempo has no crater while Puncak Merapi has a crater. This mountain has a height of 3159 masl.
Mount Dempo is one of the goals of the climbers or nature lovers from different regions, both from South Sumatra or even from outside of South Sumatra. They usually set up tents and spend the night in the field between the top Dempo and trim. Own area of this mountain is a mountain that still has a mystical things.
Sometimes there are strange events experienced by the climbers. Behind all of that during the trip or had already reached the top of many amazing things that we can see there.
Sometimes there are strange events experienced by the climbers. Behind all of that during the trip or had already reached the top of many amazing things that we can see there.
Access road leading to the summit there are two paths Dempo. The first path through the jungle and the only door through Rimau attractions. However, both paths will meet again. Based on my personal experience, I am through the Rimau. We can rest in the shelter-shelter that is in transit. If not mistaken there are 3 shelter is available. Mileage from Rimau to the top more or less about 3 to 4 hour drive. When I got to the point that has been somewhat flat we will meet with the inscription "± 7 minutes to the summit", which is encouraging for the climbers who were tired of walking. The climbers typically leave the symbols as a guide for other climbers to avoid getting lost in transit. The climbers usually set up his tent on the field between the top Dempo with visiting top trim and trim which has a crater that sometimes the color of the water crater could turn into blue, green, and white depending on the change of seasons.
The peak is usually crowded visited by climbers on national holidays, such as new or current year anniversary 17 August. Usually we meet with other climbers from both local preformance and outside the region to share experiences.