Expedition to the Peak Dempo

Mount Dempo are one of the volcano is still active in Pagaralam Town, South Sumatra. This mountain has two peaks, namely peak and the peak of Merapi Dempo. Where Peak Dempo has no crater while Puncak Merapi has a crater. This mountain has a height of 3159 masl.

Mount Dempo is one of the goals of the climbers or nature lovers from different regions, both from South Sumatra or even from outside of South Sumatra. They usually set up tents and spend the night in the field between the top Dempo and trim. Own area of ​​this mountain is a mountain that still has a mystical things.

Sometimes there are strange events experienced by the climbers. Behind all of that during the trip or had already reached the top of many amazing things that we can see there.
Access road leading to the summit there are two paths Dempo. The first path through the jungle and the only door through Rimau attractions. However, both paths will meet again. Based on my personal experience, I am through the Rimau. We can rest in the shelter-shelter that is in transit. If not mistaken there are 3 shelter is available. Mileage from Rimau to the top more or less about 3 to 4 hour drive. When I got to the point that has been somewhat flat we will meet with the inscription "± 7 minutes to the summit", which is encouraging for the climbers who were tired of walking. The climbers typically leave the symbols as a guide for other climbers to avoid getting lost in transit. The climbers usually set up his tent on the field between the top Dempo with visiting top trim and trim which has a crater that sometimes the color of the water crater could turn into blue, green, and white depending on the change of seasons.
The peak is usually crowded visited by climbers on national holidays, such as new or current year anniversary 17 August. Usually we meet with other climbers from both local preformance and outside the region to share experiences.

Tour to Rimau

One of the attractions in Pagaralam is ex-PON XVI kite flying locations in South Sumatra is Rimau. Rimau was in Mount Dempo, can be said Rimau the border location of attractions in Mount Dempo. Because the above Rimau is already a protected forest area of Mount Dempo and no longer access the asphalt road there. In Rimau of course there is a statue which is the icon of Rimau PON XVI in 2004.
If the weather is clear, from Rimau we could see a stunning panorama of the City of Pagaralam. Expanse of verdant tea plantations make treats such a beautiful sight, as if we are diawan and supervise the activities below. Then City Pagaralam we can see from here is so beautiful. If you visit here, should wear a jacket because the weather is so cold here, especially if there is fog will be more cold weather and for those who are not used can sometimes make a fever height.
Access road leading to the Rimau there are two paths: through mountain roads passing through the office complex Gare mayor and ex-MTQ. Then the sole access point via the old road that has been refurbished and in perlebar the right side of the road. However, both these paths will meet again on a football pitch near Mount Dempo villa. This place will be crowded when the weekend or during other national holidays.

Trip To Curup Mangkok

Curup (Cughup) Mangkok is one of the waterfalls located in the foothills of the southern Sumatran Dempo natural fence, this waterfall flows from large rocks and trees on the right and left there. The road to get there up the mountain, but approached the place has made ​​the road that steep, but can pass the car up to the edge of the pond from the waterfall. This waterfall is cool enough we seemed to soak in water refrigerator.

Although the water is so cold, but still the visitors sometimes take a bath in this Curup. Here we can relax with family or our spouse. Because here are available gazebo for resting. Around the lake there were rocks colorful coral. When we looked at the source of the waterfall there is a gap beam formed from the adjoining trees terjun.Jalan water toward the location was nice and large with two jalur.Sehingga end of the weekend or holiday days this place is always crowded with visitors. Near it there is another waterfall that is larger waterfall Curup dew, called Curup dew from the cold and a lot of moisture due to water falling in the wind and struck the rocks. While Cughup Mangkok Pematangbango located in the hamlet, has its own uniqueness. In addition to the surrounding scenery is very beautiful and natural, this left a niche cughup or bowl-shaped pool. This is why it is called Curup Mangkok.

Coolness Water of Curup Embun

Pagaralam City is one tourist destination in South Sumatra province. Pagaralam city does have a beautiful panorama that is not infinite. Because many forests are still available and thrive here.
Not only famous for its tea plantation commodity on the slopes of Mount Dempo and also the results of his coffee. Pagaralam also famous waterfall tour, because there are many waterfalls at the foot of Mount Dempo and also around the hills in the city Pagaralam.
From about the trees that are still beautiful sound of splashing water that hit the crystal clear pool. One of the attractions waterfall which has tremendous charm is Curup Dew. Curup Dew itself is located about five to eight miles from downtown Pagaralam or on the east side of the slopes of Mount Dempo, or rather are in Sub Curup Jare, District of North Pagaralam.
With the cheap tickets we can get this farm inidan panorama offered. At the entrance, we will be treated with hundreds of steps leading to the waterfall. When we would ride our tiredness would relieved by the coolness of hedge trees that are around are still very natural.
Here the visitors often take pictures to capture the moment when you are here. In addition we can relax in the gazebo and enjoy the atmosphere here. Do not be afraid of hunger, because there already exist that sell snacks and usually there is also a typical city street Pagaralam. For those of you who want to swim do not worry, because this waterfall Curup Dew normal weather when the water is calm and safe for us to swim while enjoying the pounding of the dew which falls from the lips of a cliff as high as over 80 meters.
Usually these attractions crowded on weekends, and will be very crowded when the day-long holiday comes. Moreover, after the access road to the Dew is already paved Curup permanently. The visitors who come here usually come with your family, or even teens who usually for refreshing.

Come to Mount Dempo

Mount Dempo is one of the volcano is still active in Pagaralam, South Sumatra. This mountain has a height of 3159 masl. This mountain has erupted about a century ago, so no doubt that the land is located on the slopes or the foot of Mount Dempo very fertile because of post-eruption of Dempo first.

However Behind all that Mount Dempo has a variety of attractions that can be visited. Among other attractions that are a thousand steps at Gunung Gare. Then the ex-Villa Complex MTQ or villa Mount Dempo. Then we can visit Rimau located on the border of Mount Dempo. Then we can visit the flower garden in the mayor's office complex Pagaralam. Since some time ago Pagaralam into town Interest, and the monument there on the road towards the complex ex-mayor MTQ and office complex. In addition we can visit the attractions that were around the waterfalls of Mount Dempo, namely Cughup Tujuh Kenangan, Cughup Mangkok, Cughup Embun, and Cughup Jahe.
Here we can also rest and eat at saung around Mount Dempo course at an affordable cost. Also near the old port there are craftsmen and carved chair made ​​from the roots of tea that has been unused. We can buy or just to wash the eyes to see the diversity of craft there. And we also can visit the garden and buy salak fruit as a snack on the road.With tickets including cheap we can visit the various attractions located in Mount Dempo this. This place is crowded usually visited every weekend a
nd holiday visitors will jump at the national holidays, such as holidays and new year.

Lematang Indah Waterfall

Lematang Indah Waterfall located in the path of a cross between the Pagaralam City with Lahat District. High waterfall about 40 meters it's crowded on weekends. Where, usually teenagers and families who fill a weekend or vacation here. With a beautiful panoramic view that makes us would like to linger in this place. With water splashing into our bodies hit the dew makes the mood became more soothing when you're here.

Here we can also play water enough adrenaline in us by using tires that are usually rented by the people around that.With low cost we can enjoy these rides. If our clothes wet and willing to change clothes, here too, has provided the locker room. Waterfalls around there are also views of the verdant hills and there are also large rocks that can be used to sit and also to capture the moment while there.

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