"Niagara Small"at Mount Barisan "Chugup Ayek Nyembor"

Pagaralam POS, Pagaralam - Another stunning natural beauty, especially the new findings in the city of waterfalls Pagaralam unspoiled by human hands. When seen a glimpse of the characteristics of this waterfall, surely will be amazed and make eyes unblinking look at him.
Because, with mountain rocks into the water spills from the hills plus a waterfall and the beauty of hedge between the woods, just like Niagara Falls, in other parts of the United States. Residents around named Cuhgup Ayek Nyembor. Other designations "Little Niagara" at the foot of Bukit Barisan. Go wallow Gutters Hamlet, Village Kance Diwe, South Dempo District, located about 45 minutes drive from downtown Pagaralam. From this village, takes about 2 hours to reach the location Cughup Ayek Nyembor. Through the woods, climbed a steep dirt road and quite steep, rumbling sound gibbon (forest people), welcomed the expedition team to the location of the waterfall. Pagaralam observation post, not one local people call it Cughup Ayek Nyembor. Spill nan cold clear water from a height of bone approximately 50 meters from the rocky hills menghempas compact rocks. Not only that, some point-storey waterfall 4 provides its own beauty. "Unfortunately, this waterfall is not yet known to the crowd and not being equipped with various facilities. When you already know a lot, I'm sure people will definitely come here (Cughup Ayek Nyembor), "said Chairman of the RT Gutters Haidir accompanied wallow July (32), who accompanied the Expedition Team.

According to him, the beginning of this Cughup Ayek Nyembor discovery, when the 1960s, residents around the open jungle in an area that became a coffee plantation. However, only a handful of residents who came to this location.
Given the existence of Cughup Ayek Nyembor very potential to be a natural tourist attraction, the locals said Khaidir really hope that the Government would Pagaralam City to build and manage it so that the future existence of these natural resources in addition to adding khasana Pagaralam natural attractions in the city can also increase incomes in the local. "We really hope the government in this case the Department of Tourism and manage this waterfall as a tourist attraction, because I believe that if managed properly can bring a lot of visitors," he said.
Meanwhile, the Head of Culture and Tourism Pagaralam Drs H Syafrudin MSI said it has not been aware of the existence of the waterfall. Therefore, in order to kepetingan development, in the near future the company would soon perform the data collection and will be one tourist destination in the city of Pagaralam. "Indeed, in this Pagaralam there are dozens of waterfalls that have different characters and Cughup Ayek Nyembor will certainly increase the number of waterfalls in the City of Pagaralam. In the future, we will immediately conduct data collection and seek to bring about development, "he promised. (04/01)

 Source: Dicky Fajrint, and friends

Find Land Coal

Pagaralam - Expedition Team Bukit Barisan not only find the flora and fauna with a new species, but also find land for coal. The team that parachuted''geological exploration in the surrounding area-Lahat Pagaralam find land for coal and some new findings flora,''said the Liaison Officer Major Lahat Kodim 0405 Haryo Dansub Korwil Sumsel accompanied Capt. Inf Donny Pramod and Operations Section Officer First Lieutenant Romi Sakti. He said that while the expedition is already running two this week showed good results. ''It's just that we get the results of a new piece of information. And still more deeply studied by a team of experts involved in the Bukit Barisan Expedition. Therefore, some teams such as Flora and Fauna, Geology, Forestry, Sosbud, or still continue ekspolorasi Disaster Detection in the field,''he said before Kasdam II / Sriwijaya Brigadier General Harry Purdianto, yesterday. Kasdam himself visited the command post Tahtis (Poskotis) expedition in 2011 in Kampung Bukit Barisan Second North Pagaralam Kelurahan Gunung Dempo. Wako Kasdam accompanied by Drs H Djazuli Kuris MM wants a closer look at development as well as explore the natural wealth around Mount Dempo. "The results of this expedition while Bukit Barisan gotten pretty good with a variety of new information from the various teams that have been deployed to the field," he who hopes for this activity could be beneficial to society. (44)

Source: Sumatra Ekspress Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Citizen of Pagaralam find Tunnel

Pagaralam, KOMPAS.com - Citizens Jambatakar Hamlet, Village Jangkaremas, District of South Dempo, Pagaralam Town, South Sumatra, find a tunnel with a length of tens of kilometers and a diameter of two meters.
"We do not know which part of the tunnel in the Bukit Barisan is its entrance, but the length is tens of kilometers from the Bukit Kayu Manis, Jangkaremas Village, District of North Dempo, penetrating into the region Rimbacandi, District Central Dempo," said Afan, community leaders in Pagaralam, Thursday. According to him, in an area stretching from Bukit Barisan Kerinjing Hamlet, District of North Dempo, until Rimbacandi, District Central Dempo, has many historical relics and the discovery of objects that are already thousands of years old. "Indeed, we only find a cave or tunnel-sized body with the wall rocks and the state of rock in it dark, so it can not see if not using a flashlight," he said. He said, according to his parents, the tunnel was known to have existed since the Dutch colonial era and more than 20 kilometers in length. "If the ancient tunnel used for transportation and have quite a lot of branches, but this time the possibility of only a few hundred feet are still intact," said Afan.
According to Afan, judging from the various objects have been found, such as ceramic plates, ceramic bottle, spoon, a dagger, and some stone megaliths, can be sure the area around the tunnel was a past life settlements.
"We've often found objects from ceramics, such as dishes, bottles, mummies rock, and some types of keris in hilly areas Cinnamon. Even in the region there are also people holding child megalith, stone axes, stone megaliths buffalo and a place of worship or dolmen, "he said again.
Researchers from the Institute for Archaeological archaeological Palembang, Kristantina, states, judging from previous findings, the area is a residential area that ancient people, including relics of the Dutch period.
"Usually when there is discovery of ceramic objects in the area indicates that has been inhabited by humans, including the discovery of megaliths, but if for the tunnel still needs further research," he said.

Author: Jodhi Yudono 
Editor: Jodhi Yudono
Friday, March 11, 2011 | 15:34 pm

Four Megalith Found Back In Pagaralam

Dapunta Online - Having previously had reported the discovery of a stone mortar, stone staircase and ancient bathing pools in the Village Talang-Bandar Jaya, Kance Diwe Village, District of South Dempo, this time the turn of residents in RT 09 RW 03 High Cliff Village, Village Lubuk Buntak, District of South Dempo were surprised by the discovery of four megaliths at once, in the form dakon stone, dolmen stone, the statue of man riding a buffalo and a statue of three men wrapped the snake.Awang Kenantan (28), High Cliff Village residents say, the existence of four stone megaliths in fact has long been known to residents, it's just that so far most people around did not know and know for sure these megaliths."Most of the megaliths are found on the corner of the rice fields," he also said such dakon stone that has a size of approximately 70 cm high and 2 meters wide pesersgi, dakon stone is a magic tool that works in ancient times as an antidote to ward off evil spirits . Where in the two holes used to put the Ramu-made antidote potion evil spirits. In ancient times deliberately placed in the corners of the fields at the ends of the plantation to ward off evil spirits earlier.
Dolmen stones (stone table, red) while the language of stone besemahnya stereotyped (the same as dakon stone stone table has a size of 70 cm height lebir less wide and 2 meters pesersgi, its function as a place of ceremony. The table is a special stone became the seat of old chieftain , for example somebody died ancient stone laid on the table, then performed the funeral ceremony to be done next.Megalith man riding a buffalo has a height of 3 meters and width of around 2 meters. As for its history there are two perceptions. First according to the myth at the time would make farming in rice fields through the bitter tongue and called him, but did not hear it dikutuklah into stone.Meanwhile, three men wrapped snake megalith, the myth of the three are awaiting drying rice, but they have sex outside of marriage, then being cursed by the time they have sex outside of marriage, they then wrapped the snake.
Scientifically this is the result of megalith stone carving sculpture of antiquity, where the purpose is to commemorate the founding of relics or remind the spirits of antiquity, as the medium of respect.For the man riding a buffalo and Megalith didilit this snake, the condition is destroyed by the hands of ignorant, where his head is missing. However, all relics of stone megaliths currently in manicured condition and well maintained."We hope the parties of Culture and Tourism Pagaralam to perform the construction of roofs and fencing, the brand board a tourist attraction, the path leading to the site," he said as he says Archaeological Institute itself has been reported related to the citizens of this megalith.Separate Head of Culture and Tourism of Pagaralam Drs H Syafruddin Msi revealed, it will register the newly discovered megaliths site, and will mendaklanjuti proposals from communities that exist for this location fixed."We will propose locations that exist for improved as residents stayed, so this location could become a new tourist attraction in the city of Pagaralam," said Syafrudin saying Pagaralam is rich in megaliths are spread over a number of areas. [*] (Dona / dpt)

Source: Headline, Science & Technology, History

Semah an increasingly rare fish

Pagaralam - Animal mascots Pagaralam Town, South Sumatra, Semah fish, the more difficult to find in the waters of the area. Allegedly threatened with extinction because the population of natural destruction. "Based on research results in some rivers where fish habitats such as Lematang Pagaralam Semah very little that can be found, even the amount was very limited," said Head of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Pagaralam City, drh Shukri, in Pagaralam, Saturday.

He said the Semah fish do have special characteristics and life in shallow waters of the river rapids with the conditions there are many large rocks. "This fish is itself the process to become Semah must go through three stages, namely tri pot of fish size, cengkak while still measuring less than 1 kilogram (kg) and the third stage is big enough size, can sometimes weigh 10 kg," he said. According to him, though living in a shallow river to fish but Semah usually inhabit depths of the river which is inside and there are many water areas Pagaralam, Lahat, Empatlawang and Muaraenim. "We need to find the cause of the disappearance of species of fish that contain meat with delicious taste and many interested citizens who live in areas Pagaralam," he said. He continued, the study focused on the content of O2 in water, kondoisi river water and river pollution levels. "We examine the river that was in the area include river Lematang Pagaralam and Selangis and Indikat River," he said again. Of course, after investigation, said he will be able to find the cause of damage to river habitats in the area, causing some fish Semah disappeared. "Of course, take several years to restore the river ecosystem for fish Semah existence can be preserved, Mayor Pagaralam, Djazuli Kuris, said there were some people already cultivating fish but still a magnifying semah only and seedlings still to be taken from local rivers. No one can menernakkan own fish because of the limitations of this type of knowledge possessed.

Source: Sriwijaya Post - Sunday, August 8, 2010 10:50 pm

Spesial Batik Besemah, From Palembang to Algeria

By developing Besemah batik industry, and SMEs Disperindagkop headed by Ir M Ichsan Azhari MM believes that this industry will be able to preserve petata petiti baghi ​​in letters ulu, to preserve the carvings, which was home baghi ​​through Besemah batik, to create and add new jobs, empower economic communities, adding cultural treasures batik Besemah through clothing, as well as adding PAD Pagaralam City.

Until now Besemah ancestral cultural heritage that has been developed and circulated in the market in the form of clothing products and their derivatives such as ulu motif batik, batik motifs carved Besemah, border motifs Besemah, wall hangings Besemah motif carvings, batik table linens Besemah carved motifs and letters ulu , bad cover Besemah motif carvings, carving motifs Besemah curtains, cushions Besemah motif carvings, as well as cover Besemah carving motifs.

Batik Besemah itself was popularized by the son of Pagaralam area, Marhenseorang designer who has long been deeply concerned with the motives and character Besemah sculpture. Through a long and exhausting research she finally succeeded in developing a unique batik motifs and distinctive. City Government Pagaralam through Disperindagkop and PKM is able to capture creativity and menggandengnya Marhen jury as the target since 2007. The result is already visible, in every Sriwijaya Fair that was held in the courtyard of Kilkenny Castle Kuto Besak, batik Besemah got a great appreciation from the public. South Sumatra Governor also indicated his admiration for the batik Besemah. The designers were invited to Algeria to introduce batik Besemah design results in the community there.

Batik and embroidery motif Besemah currently managed on Earth Village Court, District of North Dempo, City Pagaralam South Sumatra. He is a business group together (KUB), which consists of 20 persons, whose members consist of the tailors clothing enthusiasts. To produce batik Besemah, now this group has had electric sewing machine, pattern cutting machine, mini obras machine, large capacity border machine, pressing buttons, as well as printing equipment in the form of canting and cap batik. Equipment and machinery are still minimal amount is the result of government borrowing Pagaralam town.

Source: Besemah Pagaralam, 2008

Queen Juliana LIKE COFFEE Pagaralam

Queen Juliana, Windmills State authorities had never passed his days without drinking coffee. The Queen is very fond of the smell generated from a cup of hot coffee. That said, the Dutch era, in Pagaralam no coffee plantations that are specially made to produce a choice of coffee beans to supply kitchen supply the Dutch Queen's palace. The location of the coffee plantations around Simpang Padang Karet.

Source: Besemah Pagaralam, 2008



There are many predicates that carried the city deserves Pagaralam. Aside from being a tourism city berhawa cool, Pagaralam also known as Struggle city. other than that newly formed region became autonomous in 2002 the city has spawned a number of stores of various professional disciplines such as prosecutors, lawyers, businessmen, artists and military fields.
Some of those who choose to become soldiers is now a career as an active general officer rank. Now they work in Jakarta and major cities other as the demands of the task of defending the country.

According to H. Rais Saleh, elders and community shops Pagaralam, the 70-year Pagaralam many young people interested in becoming a soldier. Pagaralam predicate as City Struggle r

upaya successfully drive the spirit of the young generation Pagaralam that time to become servants of the state.
Some of today has the rank of General with a brilliant career. What an achievement worthy of the proud ....

(6 a general look at the picture)

Source: Besemah Pagaralam, 2008


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